These are my circles, as you may be able to tell by the abundance of circles in every piece. I love circles. I started making these during a weird mental episode, when I needed something to just keep my hands busy while I tamed the biochemical soup. I initially didnt take it very seriously-- in fact I used to become frustrated with myself because at one point it was my only artistic output-- and I didnt think it very legitimate. It evolved over time into a much more complex, intricate form of art that I have come to appreciate.

Each is made on A4 printer paper using a ruler, compass, and pencil. I usually draw these while listening to audiobooks, podcasts, review videos for my classes, or the radio.Each piece takes 1-3 hours. This is just a small sample as Ive made probably hundreds of these,but perhaps Ill archive more of them on here down the line.

Drawing 1

Untitled 1

Drawing 2

Untitled 2

Drawing 3

Untitled 3

Drawing 4

Untitled 4

Drawing 5

Untitled 5

Drawing 6

Untitled 6

Drawing 7

Untitled 7

Drawing 8

Untitled 8

Drawing 9

Untitled 9

Drawing 10

Untitled 10